
Rain, Rain, Go Away

I must admit... on rainy days, like today, if I don't have to leave my apartment I won't. However, I find that when I do venture out, rain really flatters Philadelphia. It adds a freshness to the air that "Philthy" isn't otherwise known for, the parks are empty so it's easier to see the beautiful landscaping, and the toy dogs are wearing ridiculous little rain coats. What's not to enjoy? Oh yea... getting wet. When I go out in the rain, I have my black hunter rain boots, black trench, and black umbrella. Clearly I'm not one to sport cheerful rain gear. I find that I err on the side of black when it comes to certain pieces in my closet just because they transition well from work to the weekend and I don't ever have to worry about clashing!

As obnoxious as I may look with all my rain gear, I can promise you that I can survive a splash from a SEPTA bus hydroplaning. Nothing is worse than showing up somewhere looking like a wet dog.

If I wasn't such a scatterbrain who loses umbrellas every time it rains, I would definitely invest in this umbrella from MoMa; that way, in my own little bubble, the sky would be blue. I love that jacket with the red boots. The red detail really ties the two together without being too "match-y match-y." Unfortunately, purchasing a Burberry rain coat (Sold Out) will not be happening  in the remotely near future. I'm really liking this similar trench from Zara.

Stay dry out there!

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